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7 Reasons You Should Meditate

a woman feeling calm as she meditates which is one of the many reasons to meditate

Meditation is one of the most ancient practices for mental, physical, and spiritual health. While there are many traditions and meditation practices, all types of meditation can help someone improve mental health, reduce the risk of addiction, and promote overall wellness daily. The benefits of meditation are endless, particularly for those who develop regular practice. Meditation therapy can help clients struggling with mental health issues or addiction develop a structured practice for daily life.

If you or someone you love is struggling with substance use or mental health issues, A Better State can help. Our Hudson, New Hampshire clinic provides holistic, dual diagnosis treatments, including meditation therapy. Reach our staff now at 781.412.1488 to learn more about our outpatient programs, some of the reasons to meditate while going through addiction recovery, and how it could help your recovery journey.

What Is Meditation Therapy?

Meditation is an ancient practice of non-judgemental self-compassion, and awareness practices differ based on traditions. While some types of meditation follow religious traditions, many require minimal training and an interest in self-improvement. Common meditation practices often include:

  • Mindfulness meditation
  • Walking meditation
  • Yoga, qi gong, and tai chi
  • Mantra meditation
  • Yoga Nidra
  • Guided imagery
  • Loving compassion meditation
  • Body scan meditations

These are only a few types of meditation commonly used in practices worldwide and here in the United States to help people improve stress tolerance, reduce addiction triggers, and develop a more balanced life. No matter the type of meditation you choose, there are many reasons to meditate to improve your mental health.

Seven Reasons You Should Meditate for Mental Health Wellness and Addiction Therapy

Meditation techniques often focus on breathing, non-judgemental attention to presence and awareness, and letting feelings and emotions flow through the body. It is a gentle, medication-free approach to supporting physical and mental health. Seven reasons to meditate for mental health include:

  1. Free and easy to integrate into your daily life
  2. Studies show a meditative state changes brain chemistry by releasing positive chemicals to reduce compulsive behaviors like substance use
  3. Regulating breath slows a person’s pulse to calm the nervous system and prevent heart problems
  4. Adaptable and customizable ways to improve the overall health
  5. It brings the body out of a fight, flight, or freeze response
  6. A daily meditation practice can happen anywhere, anytime
  7. Meditation can increase personal awareness and stress tolerance

When the nervous system is in a state of hyperarousal, a person experiences heightened anxiety, emotional rumination, and cravings. Unfortunately, many people live in a state of hyperarousal every day. This state of mind can cause reactionary behavior like substance use. Meditation can help someone slow down and make conscious choices for better mental and physical health. Meditation provides a highly individualized, personal experience without equipment, medication, or extensive time. Some meditations are only a minute long.

Start Meditation Therapy Today in New Hampshire and Feel the Difference

Beginning a meditation practice can be daunting. It’s always best to start a practice with professional support, especially for those struggling with mental health issues or addiction. If you’re ready to learn how meditation practices can help you or your loved ones improve mental health and overall wellness, A Better State’s holistic, trauma-informed outpatient clinic can support you. Alongside meditation therapy, our outpatient recovery programs include:

  • Anxiety treatment
  • Depression treatment
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) treatment
  • Trauma therapy
  • Benzo treatment
  • Prescription drug treatment
  • Cocaine treatment
  • Meth treatment
  • Art therapy
  • Opioid and opiate treatment

Serving clients across New Hampshire, our Hudson, NH clinic provides alternative and evidence-based therapies in group, individual, and family meetings to help you and your loved ones recover and thrive together. Whether you’re looking for a partial hospitalization program (PHP) or intensive outpatient program (IOP), our daytime and evening clinic hours are here.

Discover More Benefits of Meditation for Mental Health at A Better State

Meditation therapy for addiction treatment can help people abstain from drugs and alcohol by teaching them how to cope with cravings, stress, and other triggers that might cause a relapse. It can also help to improve mental health in general by reducing stress, increasing self-awareness, and improving sleep quality. All of these benefits can help lead to a better life overall for those suffering from addiction. See the difference meditation therapy can have on your mental health. Call us today at 781.412.1488 to learn more about the benefits of our programs and get started with treatment.