Opiate addiction damages physical and mental health, impacts relationships, and can even lead to fatal overdoses. While recovery is a long road, it’s worth it, and it’s possible to thrive in recovery and take back your life from opiates. The substance abuse treatment programs at A Better State offer evidence-based opiate addiction treatment in New Hampshire, as well as a strong, supportive community. To learn more about what our opiate addiction treatment program has to offer, call us today at 781.412.1488, and we can help you or a loved one better understand our programs.
What Are Opiates?
Opiates are a class of drugs derived from natural plant matter, which comes from opium-producing plants. They include many prescription drugs used as pain relievers, like oxycodone, hydrocodone, and morphine. Some brand-name drugs derived from opiates include Oxycodone, Percocet, Dilaudid, and Vicodin. Heroin, an illegal substance, is also an opiate.
Physicians sometimes prescribe opiates for severe pain because these drugs block pain signals that travel between the brain and the body. But opiates’ rewarding properties also make the substances highly addictive. Opiates work on the areas of the brain that control emotions and moods. Not only do they relieve pain, but they also create a relaxed, happy feeling that the brain associates with rewards. People may take opiates repeatedly or in higher doses for their positive recreational effects.
What Is Opiate Addiction?
It’s common for people to develop addictions to opiates after they are prescribed opiates for a legitimate medical condition, accident, or injury. When opiates are taken as prescribed, they’re safe and effective. But if people take opiates longer, they may develop a tolerance and need higher doses to achieve the same effect. This may lead them to take more doses than their prescription allows, which can pave the way to dependence and addiction. Soon, they may not be able to function normally without opiates.
Heroin, another type of opiate drug, is obtained illegally and can lead to short-term and long-term health problems. People who use heroin also increase their vulnerability to infectious diseases since the drug is administered with needles that are often shared.
Goals of an Opiate Addiction Treatment Center
An opiate rehab program can address the health complications caused by addiction and help clients dig into the underlying issues that may have contributed to their addiction in the first place. Most programs combine a number of evidence-based treatment methods, such as behavioral therapy, primary care, and medication.
There are many options for opiate addiction treatment, and each care plan is tailored to the individual. However, the goals remain the same: to promote clients’ long-term sobriety and health. The first step for many clients will be detox, where you can withdraw from opiates in a safe space.
As opiates leave your system, you may experience unpleasant withdrawal symptoms like nausea, chills, and body aches. These symptoms can last anywhere from hours to weeks. If you detox in treatment, medical professionals will be standing by to monitor your symptoms and keep you as comfortable as possible. After detox is completed, treatment and the real work of recovery can begin.
Medication-Assisted Treatment in Opiate Rehab Programs
Many people recovering from opiate addictions opt for a treatment plan that includes maintenance medications. In medication-assisted treatment, doctors administer medications designed to reduce cravings for opiates and to help people manage lingering withdrawal symptoms. The medications are safe and FDA-approved for treatment and are often taken in a controlled, monitored environment. In some cases, clients who have progressed to a certain level in their recovery can take some medications at home.
Common medications used in opiate rehab programs include:
While medication-assisted treatment is not necessary for everyone recovering from opiate use disorder, it is very effective at supporting successful recovery. At opiate addiction treatment centers, clients combine medication with a rigorous therapy and counseling program.
To learn more about what our opiate addiction treatment program has to offer, call us today at 781.412.1488, and we can help you or a loved one better understand our programs.
Working Towards Full Recovery from Opiates
Relapse prevention is an integral part of the programming at opiate addiction treatment centers. As clients progress in recovery, they work to understand the social and psychological factors that may have contributed to their addiction. They also develop coping skills so they can handle future stressful situations without using opiates for relief.
Coping skills are practiced in therapy and counseling sessions. Clients may learn methods to recognize and deal with “triggers,” thoughts, and situations that make them want to abuse opiates. Different methods of therapy, like cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), help clients change their actions by changing their thinking. Support groups provide a sense of community and connection, which is key to avoiding relapse.
Opiate Addiction Treatment in New Hampshire at A Better State
Our opiate addiction treatment is centered on providing compassionate, holistic, and trauma-informed care. We have a range of programs designed to meet a variety of client needs, from our structured five-day-a-week partial hospitalization program to our flexible outpatient program and time-honored 12-step meeting options.
Our holistic options, like art therapy, yoga therapy, and more, provide clients with chances to heal their bodies and minds and enjoy new experiences. Clients receive treatment plans tailored to their individual needs and goals. Contact us at 781.412.1488 if you’re concerned about your own use of opiates or the opiate use of someone you love, and find out how we can help.