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Meth Addiction Treatment Program

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Meth Addiction Treatment

Methamphetamine, also known as crystal meth, is a potent, highly addictive stimulant. This illicit substance can quickly cause dependency and addiction as well as a range of physical and mental health concerns. Overcoming meth addiction is possible with the help of the substance abuse treatment program at A Better State. Here, clients participate in a variety of therapies and activities as they work to build the healthy coping skills needed for lasting recovery. Our team supports clients every step of the way, often connecting those in our care with community resources and other forms of help. We also take into account co-occurring disorders and factors like past trauma in developing treatment plans, as mental health concerns can make recovery more challenging.

No matter where you are on your journey to recovery, A Better State is here to champion you as you do the work of healing. Reach out to our team at 781.412.1488 or connect with us online to get started.

How Meth Addiction Develops

Meth addiction can develop in a number of ways but typically begins with recreational use of the drug. This might start with smoking or snorting meth but often progresses to using the drug intravenously.

As those who use meth increase their dose to get the desired high, they also increase their risk of addiction. Meth is extremely potent and addictive, and once hooked, it can be difficult to break free from its grip.

Signs That Someone Might Be Struggling with Meth Addiction

There are a number of signs that someone might be struggling with meth addiction. These can include:

  • Sudden changes in appearance, such as weight loss or gain, extreme tiredness, or sunken eyes
  • Dilated pupils
  • Paranoia or extreme anxiety
  • Nosebleeds
  • Persistent scratching, especially if there are sores on the skin
  • Tooth decay and gum disease
  • Violent behavior or agitation

If you see any of these signs in someone you know, it might be time to reach out for help. Early intervention is key in addiction treatment, and the sooner someone gets help, the better their chances are for a full recovery. Connecting with the A Better State team for a confidential assessment can help you or a loved one begin to work towards lasting recovery.

Benefits of Meth Addiction Treatment

There are many benefits of the meth addiction treatment program at A Better State. Some of these include:

  • Recovery from addiction to meth and other drugs
  • Improved mental health, including reduced symptoms of anxiety or paranoia
  • Better physical health, including restored energy levels and weight loss
  • Increased productivity and functioning in work and social settings

What Clients Can Expect in Our Meth Addiction Treatment Program

Clients can expect to participate in a variety of therapies and activities as they work to overcome their meth addiction. These might include individual therapy, group therapy, and recreational activities. Clients also meet with their treatment team regularly to discuss their progress and receive support.

Our meth addiction treatment program is tailored to each client’s needs, and we work to address any co-occurring disorders that may be present. We also consider factors like past trauma in developing treatment plans, as mental health concerns can make recovery more challenging. Taking a trauma-informed approach is crucial in ensuring that clients feel safe and supported as they work through the healing process.

No matter where you are on your journey to recovery, A Better State is here to champion you as you do the work of healing.

Contact A Better State Today

Reach out to A Better State at 781.412.1488 or connect with us online to learn more about our meth addiction treatment program. Sustainable sobriety is possible. At A Better State, you’ll tap into your inner strength to make lasting changes in your life. If you’re ready to learn more, take the courageous first step today.