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Drug Rehabilitation

in Boston, Massachusetts

We've developed an accredited drug rehabilitation program to help you achieve long-term sobriety.

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Contact A Better State’s addiction treatment center today to get started with our outpatient programs. Medication-assisted treatment, evidence-based therapies, and a community of support can make a difference as you or your loved one works towards recovery.


Learn how to live a drug-free life and give up addiction.

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Individualized Drug Rehabilitation Program

Everyone’s addiction story is different! There is no such thing as a typical background, mental health issues, or substance use disorder when it comes to drug addiction. As a result, we create completely unique treatment selections based on the client.

Our Program Summary

Our outpatient drug rehabilitation program is non-residential and integrated. It addresses both substance use disorders and psychological issues that are linked to them.

woman smiling and holding phone

The Advantages of Our Drug Rehabilitation Programs

Treatment Phases

According to research on addiction recovery, individuals who go through lengthy therapy programs are less likely to relapse and remain clean for longer. It’s also critical to create an aftercare strategy once therapy is complete, as well as a plan for when you’re ready to return to your usual routine.


- Understand -

When you call our outpatient program, we’ll focus on your psychological addiction as well as the physical aspect. You’ll learn why you became addicted to drugs in the first place and how to control urges that lead to relapse. You’ll teach your brain how to function normally without utilizing drugs.


- Apply -

In many cases, we’ll assist in the transfer to a more flexible aftercare plan. After you’ve completed your treatment, return to your normal home life and apply what you’ve learned. You will also continue to receive the help you need to live a sober life.

See if this treatment plan is right for you!

Do You Need Urgent Help? We're Available!

Services at Our Drug Rehabilitation Programs

During drug rehabilitation, you will be given a complimentary combination of therapies that have been proven to aid in the recovery process.

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How Much Do Our Drug Rehabilitation Programs Cost?

The cost of drug rehabilitation treatment at A Better State is based on each patient’s individual needs. Why? We create individualized therapies for each person based on their specific addiction, background, and mental health requirements. We can help you get the best coverage at the lowest price by working with all of the major insurance carriers in the United States. To see whether your insurance will cover your or a loved one’s treatment, verify your insurance today:

Success Stories

Start Your Recovery

It's half the battle to take the first step. To begin the recovery process, pick how you want to contact us. You may call or send us a message.

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